“Manage your energy, not your time” - Harvard Business Review

Besides coaching I also provide other services

Board facilitation & Strategic Advisor

As a professional, external facilitator I can provide valuable support, ensuring board meetings are clear, inclusive, positive, and effective. As a former Strategy Director of a fortune 500 company I am specialized in facilitating strategic thinking and planning sessions. I can provide expert guidance in shaping the overall strategy process and if required I can help define what range of input is needed, what issues and questions should be considered at what stage in the process, what outcomes can be achieved at each stage, and create clarity on when and how to involve relevant stakeholders.

Energy Leadership Index (ELI) assessment

You are probably familiar with personality tests like Myers Briggs, DiSC, and Enneagram, providing you with a better understanding of yourself and others. The Energy Leadership Assessment (ELI) which I offer is transformational as it is translating these abstract insights —the way you experience the world— into tangible metrics. You will gain insight in your energetic reaction in normal and stress situations, enabling you to recognize and consciously modify your response to become an even more energetic and inspiring leader. Also, you will discover your Average Resonating Level of Energy (A.R.L.). The ELI assessment is a research-backed attitudinal assessment, created by iPEC. It is also highly recommended by the leaders in the industry, amongst which Forbes Coaches Council which recommends the ELI assessment as “...one assessment they highly recommend leaders and executives take.”

360 Energy Leadership Index (ELI) assessment

The 360 Energy Leadership Index (ELI) assessment, is based on the ELI assessment and extended with 36 key leadership aspects & competencies. Besides insights in your energetic reaction in normal and stress situations, you will also gain insight in how others experience you as a leader, enabling you to consciously modify how you want to show up as a leader.

Free School Energy & Wellbeing lectures

As an engaged dad and a holistic thinker I want to make an energetic, healthy and positive contribution to society by using my skills and make wellbeing knowledge easily accessible. Therefore I wrote the healthy eating guide and I teach free of charge as a guest speaker the different levels of energy, the benefits of operating at higher energy levels, as well as the underlying drivers like healthy food, movement, sleep and daily activities.

Coporate Energy workshops

In workshops or presentations I will provide insight in the importance of managing and recognizing energy levels. It will help employees to understand the different levels of energy that drive the way people think and act & gain insight in the benefits of operating at higher energy levels. On request a deep dive on underlying energy drivers can be provided.